Sunday 20 October 2013

New Unit - The Global Citizen

Firstly, here's a link to your specification and past exam papers.

Secondly , moving away from Physical geography we are going to foray into Human geography for the next 4/5 weeks in preparation for our controlled assessment.

  • Read pages 17- 19 of the specification. 
  • Complete a class glossary of key terms (I will split you up to do this task).

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Mountain Environments - Ignore until Feb

Enquiry Question 1

What do we know about mountains and how have they been represented in cultural resources? 

1. Look at the following sources and answer your Mind map question

2. Watch Vertical Limit on YouTube and complete the worksheet below

Worksheet - Worksheet Link (Make sure you download it so you can write on it).

Vertical Limit-

How is the mountain environment represented in this picture?
Pick out 3 mountain features that you can see. 
What is extreme about this environment?

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Great work and a Proud teacher

This week the Year 9's have been tackling A-Level texts and grappling with more keywords than you can shake a stick at. I will honestly say that the way they synthesised the amount of information covered was outstanding. WELL DONE!

Teacher note - They may look similar, but these revision resources were a collaborative effort (can you spot the teachers attempt?), with different students coming up with different parts and the answering of questions was outstanding. 

Today was a good geography day!

Monday 7 October 2013

Exam revision

You have your 1st half term assessment on Friday 18th October.

Your exam will cover the following aspects of your extreme environment studies
  • What is a desert like?
  • Climate graphs of the Sahara
  • Why are deserts hot and dry?
  • How have animals adapted to the desert environment
  • How have plants adapted to the desert environment?
  • How are erosional landforms created formed? (Rock pedestals)
  • How are depositional landforms created? (Sand Dunes)
  • What difficulties do people in the desert face? (Dassanach)
  • How are deserts used and the impacts of this? (Tourism)

Sunday 6 October 2013

Erosional and Depositional Processes and Landforms

Geoactive (Click on link for worksheet)

You need to have a full understanding of processes and you must know how Rock Pedestals (Erosional) and Sand Dunes (depositional) landforms are created.

Create a large mind map of processes and their impacts to help you learn the terms.

Wednesday 2 October 2013


Apart from the fact that these pages don't cover Aoelian erosion and transport they are pretty amazing activities on weathering. You should do them - remember all work like this you should do at the back of your exercise book.