Thursday 30 January 2014

Mountains Homework - Year 9

Make sure the table you draw in your book is A4 size and you complete this table using a variety of resources that depict Mountain environments. (Look up depict in the dictionary!)

Sunday 5 January 2014

Year 10 Energy Crisis Homework

1. What is sustainable energy?

2. Go to this website - have a look at each of the 'unsolvable' problems

a) which is the most urgent problem do you think and why?
b) can you come up with a solution for 1 of them? 3?

  To solve the “unsolvable,” we challenge you to transcend the limitations of your comfort zone. While this site includes Conventional Solutions that are currently being pursued, we also propose Progressive Solutions which are intended to think outside the box. As you read our at times outrageous and controversial solutions and think to yourself “that will never work” or “that’s impossible to implement,” examine the basis of your resistance. Changing public perceptions to internalize the importance of sustainable energy is a catalyst to unravelling the 10 “Unsolvable” Problems.

2. Read the news reports in the fracking blog post below. This is front-line geography where you can have a say, you could influence policy, you could even come up with solutions to current problems. Just because someone else may have done the research, doesn't mean you should be passive,  you can build on it.

Happy New Year

Welcome back geographers one and all - It's always nice to start a New Year, I find it's the time when I'm most focused, and I put in place my goals for the year. Being prepared is half the battle in everything! Part of that battle is having an overview of where you are going, maps are important in every part of life ;)

Year 9. 

An intense, focused and fun 5 Months for you. Controlled assessment will be wrapped up before the end of January and then you will be heading into the second part of Extreme Environments (Mountains) and Similarities and Differences (Urban and population Geography). Friday Study Sessions after CA will be covering Fracking (an energy issue - very appropriate for me to moan about as I just got my electricity bill) and immigration.

Be prepared for revision homework each week as we will be crushed for time!

Year 10

Leaving behind the human geography of  Global citizen (sad for our human geographers, great for our physical geographers) we begin 6 weeks of Fracking! I'm looking forward to this (quit calling me a nerd).
This will be followed by some overall revision where we will be building the foundation for our target grade (you all know we are going to smash those right?) but it does mean fun with highlighter pens and cards.

Then the Controlled assessment begins, sorry you didn't think it was going to be all sweetest and light right?

Year 11

Very similar to year 9, but you need to make sure you are focused on revision - you know a lot of the content and skills, you just need to make sure you are applying yourself. And ask your friends from last year if any of them kept their geography books!