Thursday 30 April 2015

Examiner feedback 2014

What pupils did last year
My comments

Where questions required extended responses some candidates were able to achieve the depth and development needed to reach level 3. However, level 2 responses were more common and answers included ‘theoretical’/’generalised’ content.
Many candidates struggled to provide really clear and effective linkages between the content of their explanation and their response to ‘what extent,’ ‘how far,’ and ‘the impact of’.

Responses with little development of place specific detail limited access to level 3-examples

Place Specific
People living in the Andes                                      
People living on the altiplano in the Andes

Indigenous mountain people  
The Aymara Indians of the Andes region
Cities in the Andes
La Paz
Desertification in the Sahel region
Indigenous desert tribes
Bedouins, a nomadic tribe
Workers in TNCs
Workers for Nokia, Shenzhen China
(specialist economic zone)

Many candidates did not write an evaluative statement in relation to ‘the extent to which’ aspect of the question. Comparisons were implied by many candidates rather than explicit

Lack of specific detail comes up time and time again – learn place names, learn facts, learn company names.

Most candidates didn’t know or understand the idea of ‘management’ and were unable to
assess it. Centres must consider this aspect of the specification.

Please make sure you remember the difference between global, national and local management strategies.
Management just means ways to lessen the impacts of something, to create and support sustainable development.
Ms Nelson’s Fracking PPt gives great examples of local management, mine focuses more on Global (Agenda 21, Kyoto agreement etc)

Most candidates are vague about environmental impacts such as pollution

This is such an easy fix, is it atmospheric, visual, noise? Can you use some of your science knowledge here?

Define accurately; just saying it is a “large city” or has “lots of services” is not suitable

Candidates tended to be either generic in their descriptions or write comprehensively about their location without drawing comparisons with Shanghai.

Green space and roads/transport were successful themes for candidates to name and write about. Those that did were awarded at level 3. Many candidates struggled with place specific examples of old streets and named buildings.

Again, that place specific point raises its head – I think it’s mindmap time for case study detail

Exam Therapy

Top Tips for answering 6 Marks questions

settlement and Population

Also see earlier blog post for powerpoint

Monday 20 April 2015

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Revision Checklist

Here is a copy of the scoreboard for the OCR A course


s- secure
n -  needs some work
I - insecure

Revision Checklist

Settlement and Population

This resource isn't finished yet but as it was requested by Nichola and others I thought I would upload it as there is lot's to be getting on with.

Settlement and Population Ppt - UPDATED
Settlement exam questions
Ageing Population

Tuesday 14 April 2015

It's bedtime

You are so close,
You are nearly there,
There's the finish line,
Keep Pushing,
Keep Studying,
Keep Reading,
Keep Calm,
and remember
You make me so proud

Every day,
Even when I'm annoyed,
Because you don't listen,
Even if I don't teach you,
You're amazing - Because you're geographers 

Surfing the Net

For when you are bored of stalking One Direction around Facebook - Here's some websites

Compare your life to others (INDIA!)

Excellent Haiti Tweet fest

Mumbai and London similarities and contrasts


I Can't read another thing

OK, calm down, watch

Why the earth has deserts


I will admit it - I'm getting old, there was a time when I was at the forefront of all new technology. I had the internet before most people knew what it was, I could be found P2P sharing before it became a thing, I actually wrote my dissertation on using the internet for distance learning.

But I just don't get twitter #allnewtome #whatisupwiththehashtag

BUT it can't hurt to follow your exam specification on twitter - I know they are not going to post the exam questions, that would be ridiculous. But a bit of light reading of news paper articles never hurt anyone

Don't bother following me  - I'm VERY dull

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Global Citizen Resources

Good morning,

I know that most of you are spending your Easter Holiday revising hard, and you should, this is no time for a holiday for you (just think of beautiful long summer stretching ahead of you). But do make sure you are active in your revision and take breaks and treat yourself well.

This means, don't sit around miserable all day pretending that you are revising but really you are stressing out and hanging on the internet. (even adults do this - procrastinate and waste time).

Don't forget Geography revision on Monday 9am sharp!